TWENTY NEW CLASSES to LookIt + FeelIt + LiveIt®!


Our hot new team of Studio (MDR) teachers are front and center this week with brand new ALL LEVELS classes now on our daily schedule!

It's the mental and physical challenge of the #LagreeMethod that brought Olivia to #TheStudio(MDR). She's bringing that same intensity to Thursday nights at (MDR) EAST - two consecutive workouts just added to the schedule at 8:15pm and 9:15pm. Plus a new #Megaformer bed added as well! Get on the roster at:

TWENTY NEW CLASSES to LookIt + FeelIt + LiveIt®!


Our hot new team of Studio (MDR) teacherss are front and center this week with brand new ALL LEVELS classes now on our daily schedule!

Leianna brings the sass and sweat to #LagreeFitness with a powerful midweek workout designed to push you through to the weekend!  We're extending our Wednesday line-up with this 8:00pm nightcap at #TheStudio(MDR) East. Reserve one of eleven spots while you still can:



The Studio (MDR) adds 7 new dynamic‪#‎LagreeMethod‬ trainers to their already All-Star line up!

Are you ready to mix it up? The Studio (MDR) adds 7 new dynamic‪#‎LagreeMethod‬ trainers to their already All-Star line up! 1492217_815492271852161_8445189600097261983_o

Come kick off your (MDR) Monday today at 4PM & 5PM at East with an intense ALL LEVELS class with our kind, charismatic and oh so funny - Olivia Chaniewski

Make sure you check out the full schedule with the magnificent 7 right here:

TWENTY NEW CLASSES to LookIt + FeelIt + LiveIt®!


Our hot new team of Studio (MDR) teachers are front and center this week with brand new ALL LEVELS classes now on our daily schedule! 

Yumi is the most fierce med student you'll ever find on a #Megaformer, and she's kicking off Monday and Wednesday mornings with our new 5:00am classes at (MDR) EAST. Plus we've added a new bed at East - a spot open for you?? Find the full schedule at:

#LookItFeelItLiveIt(R) #TheStudioMDR #LagreeFitness 

5 Secrets That’ll Take Your Detox to the Next Level

5 Secrets That’ll Take Your Detox to the Next Level

Bushing ‘Tis the season to cleanse. Here’s what you need to know to detox the healthy way.

  1. Dry brush your bod every morning. First, go to Whole Foods and pick up a dry brush. Next, commit to brushing your body every morning before your shower. Start at your feet and work your way up toward your heart (to brush your arms, start at your fingertips and work your way toward your heart). This ancient technique stimulates your lymphatic system, which helps your body release toxins.
  1. Sweat every day—even if you’ve got zero energy. If you’ve got a class at The Studio (MDR), you’re set. If not, take a power walk or do some form of light exercise that gets your heart pumping. When you’re cleansing, your body is trying to get rid of built-up toxins — and sweating them out is a great way to give them the boot.
  1. Make time for downtime. When you’re cleansing, you may feel a little more tired at the end of every day. So, bank on this and cut yourself some slack. Get into bed a half hour earlier each night and read, or spend an evening in your bathtub instead of out at happy hour with friends.
  1. Get ready for things to feel worse before they feel better. You may feel a little irritable, tired, and headachy at the end of the first day. You might even feel like you’re getting sick. That’s because your body is trying to heal itself by getting rid of mucus. Just remind yourself that it will pass and that when it does, you’ll feel better than ever.
  1. Don’t go on a bender when your detox is done. When you come off your cleanse, eat as clean as you possibly can. Introducing toxins right away can do a lot of harm. So think fresh, whole, organic foods for the weeks (and hopefully months!) after your cleanse. Eat plenty of veggies, fruits, non-gluten grains, beans, small amounts of nuts, seeds, and lean organic meats and fish.

7 Fat-Blasting Foods Every (MDR) Success Story Eats

7 Fat-Blasting Foods Every (MDR) Success Story Eats

Quinoa Your diet is just as crucial as your workouts. Here are the foods to reach for to fuel your body, drop those stubborn 10 pounds and feel great.


  1. Steel cut oats. This fiber-filled breakfast staple will help you feel fuller longer, meaning you’ll be more likely to pass on that mid-morning snack (or those pastries on the board room table).
  2. Walnuts. Loaded with omega-3s and protein, this healthy snack can be eaten on its own or tossed into salads or on top of that steel cut oatmeal.
  3. Quinoa. Instead of rice, try this ancient grain, which is loaded with protein and fiber and has a delicious nutty flavor. Mix in some fruit and have it for breakfast or a snack, or add in some chopped veggies and a protein for an easy lunch or dinner that can be eaten hot or cold.
  4. Chia seeds. Move over, kale: Chia seeds are the new darling of the food world, according to nutritionists. These little seeds are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fatty acids — a combo that’ll help you feel energized, full, and fabulous. Add a spoonful to water for a satiating snack.
  5. Flax seeds. Want to keep your digestion rocking and bloating at bay? Sprinkle a teaspoon or two of freshly-ground flax seeds on top of your oatmeal or salad for an easy, healthy upgrade.
  6. Avocados. They’re filled with healthy fats that rev the metabolism and keep you satiated. They’re loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. They taste AMAZING. And, California makes the world’s best avocados. Need we say more?
  7. Salmon. This lean protein is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to do everything from boost immunity and mood to help keep weight in check.

Make Any New Year’s Resolution Stick

Make Any New Year’s Resolution Stick

Resolution Want to make sure 2015 is different and you stay committed to your dreams and goals this year? Here are the expert-approved secrets you need.


Set realistic goals. One of the main reasons we struggle to keep resolutions is that our goals aren’t practical. Most people aim too high and consequently bail when they don’t see immediate success. The result? Frustration, angst, and having that extra slice of pizza or scoop of ice cream with a “who cares” attitude. So, set realistic goals and break them down between long- and short-term aims. You might also consider setting several smaller goals that are easier to attain than your big goal. With each little success, you’re more likely to become more motivated.

Jump “back on the horse” immediately. If you find that you’ve slipped from your plan, don’t wait until ‘Monday’ to start again. Instead, reintroduce the new habit as soon as possible to avoid guilt and developing unhealthy patterns.

Forgive yourself. Silencing our inner critics can be seriously tough—but crucial if we’re going to hit our goals. Here’s how Gabrielle Bernstein does it: In a quiet moment, go through the list of ways you attack yourself. Next to each attack write: I forgive this and I release this. Setting the intention to forgive yourself sets the practice in motion. Bernstein does this practice whenever she detours into fear-based thoughts or actions. Whenever you notice self-attack set in, simply say, “I forgive myself and I release this thought.” It’s an amazing practice for maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself.

Give yourself a pat on the back. Take time to recognize your progress, no matter how insignificant it may seem. All too often we beat ourselves up about what we’re not doing and how we haven’t done enough, which doesn’t do anything for our progress. Instead, treat yourself for meeting your goals, even small ones. For instance, if you’ve committed to making it to The Studio (MDR) three times a week, promise yourself a reward, such as a new workout top or water bottle at the end of the week. Even better? Have a special reward in mind for when you reach your final goal.

Love, Lisa

Love, Lisa

Angeleno The Studio (MDR)’s owner and CEO, Lisa Hirsch, on why it’s so important to make more time for the things you truly want in life—starting now.

A few days ago, I fell into bed after a long day and had a realization that threw me into a tailspin of one “aha” moment after another. That day, my alarm went off at 5 a.m., I worked (and worked out) at The Studio (MDR), I raced home to walk Willie Meatball Nelson and Mabel (my beloved pooches), then proceeded to go on a mad dash around my place to change into fresh clothes for a business meeting. This was followed by an entire day and evening—I kid you not—of following a schedule that didn’t even give me a millisecond to take a deep breath.

As I tried to fall asleep that night, almost too wound up to finally relax, I thought to myself: This is my typical day. When did I become that person who never has any time?

I know I’m preaching to the choir.

The hectic holiday time is upon us and along with the fun festivities comes a motherload of stress. And while I definitely don’t want to put any more stress on myself or on any of you, I do think it’s a good time to take a step back and really think about why most of us live in this place where we feel like we never have enough time—and simultaneously feel like we have all the time in the world.

Think back to your 20-year-old self and how she or he thought there was all the time in the world to do things like get married, have babies, land dream jobs and make millions of dollars. The 20-something version of yourself was also probably pretty busy—maybe even feeling the same way you do now, like there’s just not enough hours in the day to do everything. While I’m the first one to say regrets are a waste of time, and that each of our paths in this world unfolds in front of us for a reason, I’m also starting to wonder if I should’ve tackled this issue of time a bit sooner—and not settled for the “I’ve got loads of time” excuse.

What if I’d decided at 33 that I really wanted kids and didn’t, in fact, have all the time in the world to start a family? What if, at 35, I’d ditched my music industry gig to open the Studio (MDR) instead of dreaming of a different life for years before it finally happened? I know I could play the wouldda, shouldda, couldda game all the live-long day, but what my big lesson has been—and what I hope resonates with all of you, as well—is that now is the time to take stock of your time. How are you spending your days, and does the answer to that question make you happy and feel fulfilled? Who are the people you’ve chosen to fill your life with, and do they help you grow as a human being and add joy to your world? What, exactly, is your calling and are you manifesting your biggest, wildest dreams? The bottom line is that now’s the time to really think about these things—and to carve out a few more moments in your days to making what you really want in this world a reality.

Seems to me like there’s no better time than the end of a year and the start of another to ask ourselves these questions and be honest with ourselves when we come up with the answers. I know I feel lucky to have such a supportive family and friend network—which includes all of you—as I charge into 2015 with an eye towards making my biggest dreams come true, and I can’t wait to hear about all of your journeys, too, so reach out and tell me your stories!

With love and appreciation and a wish for all of you to have a very happy holiday season and your best year yet,




Shang Gao


I know it’s only a 50-minute class, but it often feels like I’ve been working out for several hours after a class ends. The variations you get with this shirt-drenching, grunt-inducing workout are endless. That is what makes this workout strangely addictive. I have been a somewhat active person my whole life, but this is the first time I’ve found myself being extremely consistent with my fitness regimen, and even craving my next sweat session at (MDR)!

I recently traveled to Asia and met with my grandma for the first time in almost three years. She could barely recognize me and could not stop telling me how amazing I look. My mom also takes immense pride in my healthy appearance and brags to people about "this insane Pilates-on-steroids" workout that I do whenever someone comments how fit I look.

Although there hasn’t been much change on the scale, my body has definitely gotten tighter and more sculpted. Pants that fit two years ago now sit loose on my hips. Apart from that, I am a lot more energetic throughout the day, and that really helps me focus at my day job. Overall, I am a much happier person now than I was before.


Michelle G. Los Banos

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In the past 10 years, I have never found a workout that could motivate me to exercise consistently. It was only in the few months leading up to my move out west that I started trying to jog a couple of miles a week at a leisurely pace. I felt good about it, but I didn’t necessarily feel physically stronger.

I moved to Los Angeles from Washington, DC exactly three months ago and my first weekend in LA, I happened to pass by The Studio (MDR) on my jog back from the beach.  I decided to try The Studio—or “Strength Training Under Deliberate and Intense Oversight” as I lovingly refer to it—because the machines looked intriguing and the students using them appeared to be really feeling the burn! I knew immediately after taking Lindsay’s beginner class that the method and The Studio (MDR)’s team of incredible trainers were going to help me attain the physical strength I’d been searching for. My goal has always been to maintain my weight (since I love to eat and try out new restaurants!) and feel healthy and strong.

After three months of consistently hitting The Studio (MDR) three times a week, I feel stronger than I’ve felt since college when I was playing a club sport—almost 17 years ago! Last week I was shocked yet pleased when Dana happened to walk by and nonchalantly add an extra spring during my super crunch. My first thought was, “Hold on, what is she doing?” Then it was, “Oh yeah, I can do this!” I also realized recently that the two and a half gallon containers of water I carry from my car up to my apartment are feeling a little lighter these days. My once-snug skinny jeans and pencil skirts are fitting a little looser at the waist and hips, and my arms have more definition. I’ve seen a physical transformation in my body that I’ve never experienced from any other workout I’ve ever done whether it was team sports, jogging, dance or yoga.

Even better, I look forward to my (MDR) workouts and the amazing feeling I have afterward, and most importantly, I feel happy and energized because of them.  The Studio team welcomed me into their hot pink lacquered ceiling world with open arms and a positive attitude, and they challenge me each time to be a better, healthier, stronger, version of myself. For that I am deeply grateful.




Gia Hettish


I had been taking Pilates in El Segundo and the teacher that I liked the best had to stop teaching. She was the most challenging teacher at this particular studio, so I had to find a new studio. I decided to search in Marina del Rey instead of going that far south anymore. This is how I stumbled upon The Studio (MDR).

(MDR) makes my former classes look like Kindergarten and quite honestly, a waste of time and money. The classes at (MDR) whip you into shape like NOTHING else. I am so grateful to have found it. Now, I’m a complete addict. I have finally lost my kangaroo pooch (lower belly fat) that has been with me my entire life. I’m more solid and compact—no more jiggle or cellulite.

The people at The Studio (MDR) are all amazing as well. The teachers, the staff and the owners are warm and inviting. What a great group of people! Everyone is a joy to be around (and it smells so yummy in there, too), but as warm as everyone is, they all get down to business—and that business is getting you into the best shape of your life. They genuinely take pride in how you look and feel.

The classes are intense, but once you’re done, you feel such a sense of accomplishment. You are spent…but in a great way! I sleep the best after a class. I always feel great the next day because I slept so well the night before.   My concentration is better. The Studio (MDR) is the best medicine!


Jose Palencia


I have been coming to The Studio (MDR) for a little over a year and taking class at 6 a.m. has completely changed my day. When I take the early morning classes, it kicks off my day in a whole new light. I am energized throughout the day, I am engaged, focused and seem to get a high that lasts well into the afternoon. I never get sleepy at lunch anymore. It’s a huge boost for anything I do throughout the day.

I not only FEEL much more toned, not to mention much more comfortable with myself, but also I no longer have lower back pain. I spend a lot of time in my car and my office, but since I’ve started doing this workout, my lower back pain has completely subsided.



Nicole Collins


I was fortunate to have had an easy pregnancy and I was able to workout at The Studio (MDR) until a week before the babe came. The workouts kept me feeling so strong, and I have to admit that the baby is such a tough little warrior. I'm guessing she's feeling the impact of the classes, too! I'm not actually kidding; the doctors have actually told me the baby is really strong, and I credit The Studio (MDR) for it!

Life with the babe has been better than I ever could have imagined. I recovered so quickly and feel great and I can't wait to get back to my workouts at (MDR)!


Alexandra Schwartz


I loved working out at The Studio (MDR) during my pregnancy. As my body was changing, the workouts helped me feel strong and kept me balanced. It was really important to me to have a healthy pregnancy, and The Studio (MDR) played a huge role in helping me do that. Not only did I work hard for myself, I worked hard for my baby. All of these things helped me to bounce back really quickly to my pre-pregnancy body.

I absolutely love being a mom. Charlotte is now 2 months old and every day is a new milestone. Being a parent takes patience, hard work, energy, and love. You have to be physically and mentally strong to take care of your little one. All of the work that I put in to myself before giving birth has truly helped me through the hard times and wonderful times.

The Post-Workout Snacks You Should Be Eating

Bananas You worked hard, and you’ve got the hunger to prove it. Here’s what to whip up after your Studio (MDR) workouts to refuel.

A kale smoothie. Toss 1 cup of kale, ½ green apple, juice from half a lemon, ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (whey or plant-based) and 4 ice cubes into your blender, whiz, and serve.

Green eggs (no ham). Sauté 1 cup of spinach, arugula or another leafy green in coconut oil, then scramble in two eggs.

Breakfast quinoa. Sweeten up this protein-packed ancient grain by adding a little cinnamon and diced apples or pears.

Almond butter on banana slices. Bananas are packed with fast-acting carbs (a.k.a. the “good” kind) that you need to replace your body’s levels of glycogen after a workout, which helps rebuild your muscles.

Greek yogurt with blueberries. The yogurt provides a good serving of protein, and blueberries have been shown to triple your rate of recovery after a tough workout.

5 Tricks to Sail Through the Holidays Without Gaining a Pound

Holiday Not gaining a pound during the feeding frenzy that is the holiday season may sound about as feasible as holding plank on your elbows for five minutes straight. But just like that formidable plank that we promise is possible, so is ringing in 2015 in even better shape than you’re in now. Truth.

To help you stay on track even when your mother-in-law puts another glass of eggnog in your hand, here are The Studio (MDR)’s favorite tips. Keep them in mind—and keep showing up to class on the regs—and watch yourself look even hotter at that New Year’s Eve party.


  1. Be a social butterfly. The more party time you spend catching up with friends and meeting new people, the less focused you’ll be on the mini quiches and mac ‘n cheese bites. At the very least, choose a spot away from the buffet table: Research shows the closer we’re situated to food, the more we’ll actually consume.
  2. Talk a friend into joining you at The Studio (MDR). You know the “buddy” rule you’ve read a million times in magazines, about how working out with a friend keeps you on track? Well, it works—and studies show exercising with a partner may actually help you perform better on aerobic tasks (hello, 50-minute Studio (MDR) class!).
  3. Cave in to your cravings. Yep, that’s right. We’re telling you to go ahead and splurge. That’s because if you forbid yourself from sipping on hot cocoa or eating those Christmas cookies, it’ll likely only make those foods more attractive—and prompt you to binge on unhealthy foods as a result. So, go ahead and have your fruitcake and eat it, too—in moderation.
  4. Pre-game with veggies and water. Five hours before the holiday party or gathering, start chugging water like it’s your job. Then, load up on fiber-rich fruits and veggies—or make a beeline for the crudités platter. There is one definite way to say “no” to even the most tempting-looking, unhealthy fat-filled foods, and that’s stuffing yourself with the good stuff so you’re literally too full to overindulge on the unhealthier grub.
  5. Be the guest that brings something healthy (yet still delish). If your go-to excuse for gorging on the unhealthy options at a party goes something like, “But there were no better options,” it’s time to be that guest who insists on bringing a dish. A massive salad, platter of sushi, or gorgeous array of raw fruits and veggies is the kind of contribution that’ll wow your host—and give you a healthy option to chow down on.

Love, Lisa

The Studio (MDR)’s owner and CEO, Lisa Hirsch, on the biggest birthday surprise she got this year … 10817824_1498150457117000_629638988_n

November has come and gone, and as anyone who knows me knows it’s my absolute favorite month of the year. The air is just a little bit crisper, my Rag and Bone booties are in regular rotation, and, well, it’s my birthday month.

Remember that excited feeling you used to get when you were 7 years old and your birthday was coming up? Did it involve a countdown to the big b-day, party planning, and a discussion with your mom about what kind of cupcakes she’d make for you to bring in to school? Full disclosure: This is still the kind of excitement I feel before my birthday and the kind of planning that goes into my celebration—minus the school cupcakes.

This year, however, I found myself looking at my looming birthday through a different set of eyes. It was the first time in my 43 years that I seemed to have an issue with my age. Normally, I am the one to embrace the number, celebrate it, and shout it from the rooftops. But this year, for no apparent reason, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that the passage of time may not be such a joyous feeling after all. All of a sudden, I felt as if there was not enough time to accomplish all that I want to do in this life of mine.

You may think it sounds silly or even dark, but this wasn't coming from some place of sadness or depression. It was my reality that I tried to lay out in front of me so that I could take steps to smartly approach and figure out the next half of my already blessed life—a life that I have not taken for granted. But in the grand scheme of things, life is short, and I want to ensure that I appreciate the days to come and make the time to cherish the things that are most important to me: my family; my nephews; my work; and my health and happiness. Turns out the longer I’m here on this earth, the more I’m realizing how important it is to take everything in and to truly enjoy life—because it’s in that enjoyment that things start to blossom and flourish.

I came around by the time I rang in my 43rd year. I’m a firm believer that when we learn to think positively and make a regular habit of it, we can do so much more of what we initially think we cannot accomplish. So I’m going to go ahead and cut myself some slack for feeling anxious about getting older last month, and then—like I have every year for as long as I can remember—I’m going to embrace it. Here’s to all of us having an amazing December filled with self-discoveries and much to celebrate—and know that I am thankful for each and everyone of you.

Lots of love and let’s get this holiday season kicked into high gear!



Now that our second location is almost open, we want to offer some pretty awesome Pre-Opening Specials, to get you even more excited to give (MDR) East a try!

ALL ACCESS monthly unlimited for $189

Choosing this membership allows you to take classes at BOTH studios for one month only! After your month has finished you will be able to choose from our new membership options listed below.

BRING A FRIEND all access monthly unlimited for $169

Bring in a friend who is a new client and you BOTH get an ALL ACCESS monthly membership for only $169! After your months have finished, you will be able to choose from our new membership options listed below.

* If you do not wish to take advantage of our promotional offers, and would like to stay at (MDR) West, you may keep your current monthly pricing as long as you don't cancel or pause your monthly autopay. * Memberships no longer require a 3 month commitment. * These promotional packages are available through September 30th. Please contact to redeem.

Class Packages

- Class package pricing will not change and will be valid at BOTH locations.

Monthly Unlimited Memberships

- $229 for a single studio monthly membership - $249 for an ALL ACCESS monthly membership


October Schedule

- The October Schedule (see below) will be posted Sunday September 28th at 7pm for (MDR) West and 7:15pm for (MDR) East.

- We are excited to announce a new class called  BARE ESSENTIALS. This class is taught by Dana on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5pm. Here's the description:
With the intention to build strength and increase flexibility, the routine is designed to help you master the mechanics of the essential Lagree movements. Don't be fooled by the name, Bare Essentials 2.0 is without a doubt a shirt drenching work out, however, there is more attention to spine alignment, hip placement and overall core stabilization. This class is a great way to experience a full 50 minute (MDR) workout that empowers you with knowledge of the fundamental technique to unlock your ultimate potential and lead you with confidence to ALL LEVELS 3.0 and eventually ADVANCED 5.0 classes.

Please let us know if you have further questions and we look forward to seeing you at (MDR) East!

Look it + Feel it + Live it,
The Studio (MDR) Team
(424) 228-4265
frontDesk@theStudioMDR.comKeep an eye out for our Playa Vista location coming in early 2015!

Look it + Feel it + Live it

LOOK IT!Kathryn Romeyn

The four classes I take weekly at The Studio (MDR) are truly the entire reason I look the way I do. (After all, the pizza and wine I consume on a very regular basis certainly don’t turn into muscle!) I have the wonderful, inspiring, sweat-inducing, tough-as-nails (MDR) staff to thank for kicking my ass into shape. Since I started, I have probably lost about 15 pounds (and definitely added muscle) and two jeans sizes. My style has also changed; I’ve noticed what I used to buy was sometimes slightly shapeless or oversized and now I will wear a crop top, short cutoffs or a bikini without feeling self-conscious. More than anything, these workouts have made me feel not only physically but mentally strong—strong enough to take on or deal with anything that comes my way. I love the way my body keeps changing and getting stronger, and that fuels my addiction and devotion to (MDR)!

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Eric Maldin

The classes at (MDR) are the hardest 50 minutes I've ever put myself through, so the results come hand in hand with being dedicated and forcing yourself to show up at least 3-4 times a week. A friend sent me a picture of myself from last year, and it really opened my eyes to see what a porker I was. While I have never really been one to step on a scale or measure my waist, I do know that my pants feel a little bigger than they used to and I have twice the energy than I did before getting on such a regimented workout schedule.



Cara Swann

I first came to the studio six months after trying to recover from a back injury (herniated disc) and felt a 180-degree difference after just four classes. This is no joke. I had done everything possible to try and "fix" my back—it was absurd. I had no idea how much this studio would change my life. I have been active my entire life and have always been involved in some sort of sport, whether with a team or individually or just for fun. Volleyball, softball, swimming, surfing, paddling, rafting … nothing has affected me like the studio. Every workout is difficult and humbling and makes me sweat like nobody's business, but I love it.

Cara Swann

Larry Cook

I began going to The Studio (MDR) again in April, 2014, and I was determined to stick with it three times a week, even when my demanding work schedule got crazy. I'm happy to say that, for the most part, I've been able to stick to the workouts and I certainly feel a difference. For starters, I've lost 10 pounds and my belt buckles are now two notches tighter. I also find that I can hold the various poses and exercises longer, and with better form. I've had a couple close friends tell me that they see a difference in me, especially with more definition in my legs, arms and abs. I’ve also noticed that I walk more upright, and that translates into more confidence. Every single class I take is an accomplishment, because as we all know, it's hard work! Thank you, (MDR) and Mary Miller for helping me achieve my goals for a better-toned and great-feeling body!

Larry Cook


Elijah Allan- Blitz

Hearing the phrase "Posture is power" changed the way I move in my body. I realized that if all of my movements originate from my spine, everything is in alignment with itself and I begin to "move from the inside out." As an actor, I literally am my instrument. My body is my mind physically manifesting itself and (MDR) is the tool I use most to keep it in tune. It's not just about "being in shape," it's about everything working in harmony. From what I eat to what I say and even how I enter a room, that's the constant invitation I get from my work at The Studio (MDR) to look it, feel it, and live it.

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Steven and Shane Davis

Working out at The Studio (MDR) together is an amazing way to spend time with each other doing something that's out of our usual routine. The classes are physically and mentally challenging, and it feels good to struggle through them together. Being pushed together by the MDR teachers helps us feel more connected to each other outside the studio.


Transformer of the Month: Cristina Jackson

When a nagging knee injury and a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis threatened to keep this warrior down, she made a change—and hasn’t looked back. Check out her transformation here. photo1

What inspired you to check out The Studio (MDR)?

Before age 25, I had four knee surgeries on my left knee for meniscus tears and a juvenile rheumatoid arthritis beginning at age 12. I had honestly given up on exercising or being active, as my last knee injury happened during my first month of trying yoga—a practice I was hoping would be a solution for my joint pain and stress. I was having lots of pain all over my body. Some days it was hard to get out of bed, and my knee was still weak. I had seen The Studio (MDR) many times while walking to the beach, but always thought I wouldn’t be able to do the workout. I thought I just wasn’t strong enough. In May of 2013 I was in Lima, Peru for work, and I was so exhausted and couldn’t keep up. I finally became tired of feeling much older than I was and decided that the day I got back to the U.S. I would take the Beginner’s Class at the studio. In fact, I signed up for the 7- day package while I was in Peru! After my first week of classes, I signed up for the 3-month package. Now over a year later I’m not looking back. Trying that first class was one of the best choices I have made.

How tough was that first class—and what were you thinking when it was over?

My first class was “The Enlighten Me” beginner class with Mary and Lisa. I really loved how they sat down with us and explained the machines so they didn’t seem so scary, and talked to us about the studio and how it was more than just a place to exercise. I remember my first class was tough—especially getting used to the right positions to avoid injuries or aggravating my knee—but I left the class exhilarated. I remember being more sore the next day than I have ever felt in my life, but I was excited about this soreness. I had earned it. After my first week I was sore all over, but my normal knee and joint pain was already gone. I had never felt better.

What’s been a big challenge in your life that you’ve found The Studio (MDR) has helped you overcome?

Over the years I have become accustomed to being in pain and not being as active as my peers. I just figured this is how it was going to be. Going the studio has completely changed how I feel about myself. I feel so much stronger than I ever thought I could feel. I still have my limits with my knee, but I’ve accepted that as a part of me and now I focus on what I can do and not what I can’t. I am also the kind of person that physically feels stress, and my workouts have helped me deal with my stress in a productive way. I leave class feeling great—so much more relaxed and confident that I can handle whatever life brings.

What’s the one move that still makes you curse inside because it’s so hard?!

Bungee. It’s not the most difficult move, but it kills me every time. Also, hamstring curls where we lay down on the machine. I still haven’t mastered those.

How far have you come—and where are you going? 

When I started taking classes at the studio, I really just wanted to see if I could feel better. I wanted to wake up feeling energized. I really hadn’t thought about the other physical changes I might see (but I took a “before” picture anyway, so I could determine if my hard work was doing anything!).

I’ve been the same size since college, but now the love handles are gone, my stomach is flat and I have muscle definition in my arms and back. I can feel it in my face, too. I just feel so much better all around and love feeling strong.